
______ is an analytical method used to change a complex circuit into a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single resistance in series with a source voltage.


Superposition theorem


Thevenin’s theorem


Maximum power transfer theorem


Norton’s theorem

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The correct answer is option 2):(Thevenin’s theorem)


Thevenin’s theorem is an analytical method used to change a complex circuit into a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a single resistance in series with a source voltage.

Any two terminal bilateral linear DC circuits can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and a series resistor.

To find Voc: Calculate the open-circuit voltage across load terminals. This open-circuit voltage is called Thevenin’s voltage (Vth).

To find Isc: Short the load terminals and then calculate the current flowing through them. This current is called Norton current (or) short circuit current (isc).

To find Rth: Since there are Independent sources in the circuit, we can’t find Rth directly. We will calculate Rth using Voc and Isc and it is given b

Rth = V o c I s c

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