Directions: In the question given below there is a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, and then decide which of the suggested course(s) of action logically follow(s) for pursuing. Statement: There are many motorcycle accidents in the city these days. Course of Action I: The authorities should encourage the motorcycle riders to use helmets. Course of Action II: The motorcyclist should be discouraged to drive at high speed.
If only Course of Action (I) is suggested.
If only Course of Action (II) is suggested.
If neither Course of Action (I) nor Course of Action (II) is suggested.
If both Course of Action (I) and Course of Action (II) are suggested.