
The average age of Abhay, his wife and their child 6 years ago was 42 years and that of his wife and their child 8 years ago was 30 years, Find the present age of Abhay.


68 years


63 years


64 years


66 years

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The average age of Abhay, his wife, and their child 6 years ago = 42 years

The average age of Abhay's wife and their child 8 years ago = 30 years

Formulas Used

Average Age = Total Age/Number of People

Average Age now = Age x years ago + Average age


The average age of Abhay, his wife, and their child 6 years ago was 42 years.

So the average age of Abhay, his wife, and their child at present 42 + 6 = 48

Sum of the age of all three = 48 × 3 = 144


The average wife and their child 8 years ago was 30 years

The average wife and their child at present 30 + 8 = 38

Sum of the age of all wife and children = 38 × 2 = 76

Abhay age = 144 - 76 = 68.

Therefore, the present age of Abhay is 68 years