
Select the wrong statements:


Iso-octane fuel has an octane rating of 100.


The ignition quality of a petrol engine fuel is expressed as Cetane number


In spark ignition engines, knocking can be reduced by retarding the spark advance


Knocking tendency in a SI engine reduces with increasing engine speed

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Octane Rating:

  • The S.I. engine fuel has been given an anti-knocking rating which is known as Octane Rating. It basically shows the resistance of the fuel to create knocking by auto-ignition.
  • According to standard practice, the antiknock value of an SI engine fuel is determined by comparing its antiknock property with a mixture of two reference fuels, normal heptane (C7H18) and iso-octane (C8H18).
  • Iso-octane (C8H18) chemically being a very good antiknock fuel, is arbitrarily assigned a rating of "100 octane number".
  • Normal heptane (C7H16) has very poor antiknock qualities and is given a rating of "0 octane number".

A Spark-ignition engine requires greater spark advance at lower loads because the increased dilution by residual gases at lower loads reduces the combustion rate.

An increase in engine speed increases the turbulence of the mixture considerably resulting in increased flame speed and reduces the time available for pre-flame reactions. Hence knocking tendency is reduced at higher speeds.