
Name the point about which a body start oscillating when a body, floating in a liquid, is tilted even by a small angle.


Center of buoyancy


Center of gravity




Shear center

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Meta Centre is defined as the point about which a body starts oscillating when the body is tilted by a small angle. The meta-center may also be defined as the point at which the line of action of the force of buoyancy will meet the normal axis of the body when the body is given a small angular displacement.

The distance MG i.e. the distance between the meta-center of a floating body and the center of gravity of the body is called meta-centric height. It is measured along with the line BG.

When a solid body is either wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, the hydrostatic lift due to the net vertical component of the hydrostatic pressure forces experienced by the body is called the buoyant force. The buoyant force on a submerged or floating body is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body and acts vertically upward through the centroid of a displaced volume known as the center of buoyancy.