
For two rubber bands of identical free length, the first rubber band extends 60 mm under a force of 300 N, while the second rubber band extends 20 mm under 200 N force. When both the rubber bands are paralleled together and applied a force of 60 N, its extension is


80 mm


40 mm


4 mm


13 mm

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The extension of a rubber band under a certain force can be described by Hooke's law, which states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that distance. This can be mathematically represented as:

F = kx

where: F is the force applied, k is the spring constant (or in this case, the rubber band constant), and x is the extension.



x1 = 60 mm, F1 = 300 N, x2 = 20 mm, F2 = 200 N and FTotal = 200 N

We can calculate the spring constant for each rubber band using the given data:

For the first rubber band: K 1 = F 1 x 1 = 300 60 = 5   N m m

For the second rubber band:

K 2 = F 2 x 2 = 200 20 = 10   N m m

When the two rubber bands are paralleled together, the total spring constant KTotal is the sum of the individual spring constants:

K T o t a l = K 1 + K 2 = 5 + 10 = 15 N m m

x T o t a l = F T o t a l K T o t a l = 60 15 = 4   m m