
An electronic voltmeter provides more accurate readings in high-resistance circuits as compared to a nonelectronic voltmeter because of its _______.


high V/Ω ratings


high Ω/V ratings


high resolution


low meter resistance

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Electronic Voltmeters:

  • Electronic voltmeters provide more accurate readings in high resistance circuits as compared to non-electronic voltmeters because of their high sensitivity. Ohm/V rating is nothing but sensitivity.
  • In electronic voltmeters, the sensitivity is very high and is of the order of at least 100 times as compared to a PMMC voltmeter.

Sensitivity of Voltmeter (S): The sensitivity of a voltmeter is defined as the reciprocal or inverse of the full-scale deflection current (Ifsd) of the basic movement. It is denoted by the symbol S and expressed in Ω/V

S =  1 I f s d   Ω / V

Where Ifsd is the amount of current required to deflect the pointer of the basic meter to its full-scale position.