
If the total discharge of a Pelton wheel is 3.672 m3/s and the discharge of one jet is 1.818 m3/s, the number of jets required is:









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Number of Jets:

It is obtained by dividing the total rate of flow through the turbine by the rate of flow through a single jet.

The number of jets is not more than two for horizontal shaft turbines and is limited to six for vertical shaft turbines.



Total discharge = 3.672 m3/s,discharge of one jet = 1.818 m3/s

N o . o f j e t s = t o t a l d i s c h a r g e D i s c h a r g e t h r o u g h o n e j e t = 3.672 1.818 = 2.019 2

The number of jets in the Pelton Wheel is 2.

Important Points

Design parameters of Pelton wheel turbine:

1. Velocity of jet: At inlet V 1 = C V 2 g H where Cv = coefficient of velocity = 0.98 - 0.99.

2. Velocity of wheel: u = ϕ 2 g H where φ is the speed ratio = 0.43 - 0.48.

3. Angle of deflection: 165° unless mentioned.

4. Pitch or mean diameter: D can be expressed by u = π D N 60

5. Jet ratio: m = D d (12 in most cases/calculate), d = nozzle diameter or jet diameter.

6. Number of buckets on a runner: Z = 15 + D 2 d (Tygun formula) or, Z = 5.4 m , m = 6 to 35.

7. Number of Jets: obtained by dividing the total rate of flow through the turbine by the rate of flow through a single jet. The number of jets is not more than two for horizontal shaft turbines and is limited to six for vertical shaft turbines.

8. Size of bucket: length of bucket L = 2.5d, width of bucket B = 5d, depth of bucket Db = 0.8d.