
Driving gear has 20 teeth and it rotates with 100 rpm. Calculate the driven gear speed having 40 teeth.


10 rpm


50 rpm


200 rpm


100 rpm

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Velocity ratio:

  • Velocity ratio of gears is also called the gear ratio. Gears are counted by their teeth.
  • The ratio of the number of teeth on the follower to the number of teeth on the driver is called as gear ratio or its velocity ratio.
  • Velocity ratio of the gear train is the ratio of the speed of the driver to the speed of the follower or driven.

Velocity ratio:  N 1 N 2   =   T 2 T 1  

Where, N1 = Speed of the driver, N2Speed of the driven, T1 = Gear teeth on driver, T2 = Gear teeth on driven



T1 = 20, T2 = 40, N1 = 100 rpm

∵ Velocity ratio:  N 1 N 2   =   T 2 T 1  

⇒  100 N 2   =   40 20

⇒ N2 = 50 rpm = Speed of the driven