
Consider below statements. Statements A : The area up to which irrigation canals are capable of supplying water for irrigation purpose is termed as cultarable command area. Statement B : The ratio of cultivated areas under Rabi crops and under Kharif crops is known as crop ratio


Statement A is true B is false


Both statements are false


Statements B is true A is false


Both statements are true

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Culturable command area:

The culturable command area is also called a cultivable command area. This is defined as the cultivable part of the gross command area. This is that area where cultivation is possible. Or culturable command area is the area to which irrigation canals are capable of supplying water for irrigation purpose and where origin canals are not capable of supplying water for irrigation purpose known as non-culturable command area.

Crop ratio:

The crop ratio is defined as the ratio of cultivated area in the Kharif season to the cultivated area in the Rabi season. Or It is the ratio of the land area of a crop irrigated under the rabi season to the land area of that crop irrigated in the kharif season.

C r o p r a t i o = C u l t i v a t e d a r e a i n r a b i c r o p C u l t i v a t e d a r e a i n k h a r i f c r o p

Gross command area (GCA):

The gross command area is the total area bounded within the irrigation boundary of the project that can be irrigated economically without bothering about the limitation of the quantity of water available. The gross command area includes the cultivable area and the uncultivable area. Examples of uncultivable areas include ponds, residential areas, reserved forests, roads, etc.

Intensity of Irrigation (IR):

The intensity of irrigation of a particular land area can be defined based on a particular season or annually. The percentage of culturable command area (CCA) which may be irrigated annually is called the annual intensity of irrigation (AII). The intensity of irrigation of a season or seasonal intensity of irrigation is defined as the percentage of culturable command area (CCA) that is proposed to be irrigated in a given season.

Hence both statements are true.