A hydraulic jump involves
sub critical flow
super critical flow
critical flow
all of the above
Text Solution
Hydraulic jump:
- A hydraulic jump occurs when the flow changes from a supercritical flow (unstable) to a sub-critical flow (stable).
- There is a sudden rise in the water level at the point where the hydraulic jump occurs.
- Rollers (eddies) of turbulent water form at this point.
- These rollers cause the dissipation of energy.
- Classification of jump according to the Froude numbers
Type of Jump
Froude number
Undular jump
1 < Fr < 1.7
Weak jump
1.7 <Fr < 2.5
Oscillating jump
2.5 <Fr < 4.5
Steady jump
4.5 <Fr< 9
Strong jump
Fr > 9
- Where Fr = Froude's no. , q = Discharge per meter width , g = acceleration due to gravity , y= depth of flow
Weak jump