Which of the following is not included in Human Resource Development? (a) To increase the investment on Industries and roads. (b) Expenditure on education and health facilities to increase by more than 3% of national income. (c) Prioritizing social benefit programme.
Only (a)
Only (b)
(a) and (c)
(a) and (b)
Text Solution
The correct answer is (a) and (b).
Note: The incorrect option statements have been asked.
- Human Resource Development is an essence of management of any organization is to utilize effectively all the available human and physical resources, financial and technological resources.
- HRD is concerned with the development of human capacity.
- Human capacity or human potential includes-aptitude, knowledge, values, skills of HR, responsiveness, loyalty and commitment, transparency, leadership development.
- Human Resource Development is the part of human resource management that specifically deals with the training and development of the employees in the organization.
- It is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities.
- The goals of the HRD systems are to develop:
- The capabilities of each employee as an individual.
- The capabilities of each individual about his or her present role.
- The capabilities of each employee about his or her expected future role(s).
- The dyadic relationship between each employee and his or her supervisor.
- The team spirit and functioning in every organizational unit (department, group, etc.).
- Collaboration among different units of the organization.
- The organization’s overall health and self-renewing capabilities, in turn, increase the enabling capabilities of individuals, dyads, teams, and the entire organization.
- Human capacity or human potential includes-aptitude, knowledge, values, skills of HR, responsiveness, loyalty and commitment, transparency, leadership development.
- It is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities.
- The capabilities of each employee as an individual.
- The capabilities of each individual about his or her present role.
- The capabilities of each employee about his or her expected future role(s).
- The dyadic relationship between each employee and his or her supervisor.
- The team spirit and functioning in every organizational unit (department, group, etc.).
- Collaboration among different units of the organization.
- The organization’s overall health and self-renewing capabilities, in turn, increase the enabling capabilities of individuals, dyads, teams, and the entire organization.