
Match Column I with Column II. (There can be more than one match for items in Column I)

         Column I      Column II
A. Glycocalyx (i) Attachment to a surface
B. Bacteria causing disease in plants (ii) Thermoplasma
C. Bacteria having dual ability to tolerate high temperature as well as acidity (iii) Cleaning agents in tooth paste
D. Diatomite (iv) Added to paints for enhancing night visibility
E. Alginic acid (v) Thermoproteus
(vi) Xanthomonas citr
(vii) Macrocystis
(viii) Protection from toxic chemicals and drugs
(ix) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
(x) Sargassum

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A-(i, viii), B-(vi, ix), C-(ii, v), D-(iii, iv), E-(vii, x)