A Tangent Galvanometer is a/an:
Recording Instrument
Integrating Instrument
Indicating Instrument
Absolute Instrument
Text Solution
We can classify the instruments into two types
Absolute Instruments:
- These instruments give the magnitude of the quantity under measurements in terms of the physical constants of the instrument
- There is no necessity of calibrating or comparing with other instruments
- Tangent Galvanometer and Rayleigh’s current balance are examples of this class
Secondary Instruments:
- These instruments are so constructed that the quantity being measured can only be measured by observing the output indicated by the instrument
- These instruments are calibrated by comparison with an absolute instrument or any other secondary instrument which has already been calibrated against an absolute instrument
- A voltmeter, a glass thermometer, and a pressure gauge are typical examples of secondary instruments
Working with absolute instruments for routine work is time-consuming. Therefore, secondary instruments are most commonly used. Absolute instruments are seldom used except in standard institutions and laboratories while secondary instruments find usage almost in every sphere of measurement.
Secondary Instruments:
Working with absolute instruments for routine work is time-consuming. Therefore, secondary instruments are most commonly used. Absolute instruments are seldom used except in standard institutions and laboratories while secondary instruments find usage almost in every sphere of measurement.