
Slack is the difference between the earlier finish time and ______ of any event.


latest starting time


earliest starting time


latest finish time


total float

Text Solution
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Critical Path:

Critical activity:



Slack is of two types:

Slack of head: It is the difference between the latest finish time and the earliest finish time (Lj - Ej) at the completion of an activity (end of the arrow).

Slack of tail: It is the difference between the earliest start time and the latest start time (Ej - Lj) at the start of an activity (start of an arrow).

Floats are of three types. They are as follows:

Total Float (TF):

The maximum delay or relax provided to any activity without affecting the project duration.

TF = Lj – Ei – dij

Free Float (FF):

Relax or delay provided to any activity without affecting the Earliest Start Time (EST) of the successor activity.

FF = Ej – Ei – dij

Independent Float:

Relax or delay provided to any activity without affecting the Earliest Start Time (EST) of successor activity as well as Latest Finish Time (LFT) of the predecessor activity.

IF = Ej – Li - dij

Relation among float TF ≥ FF ≥ IF

On the Critical path, total, free, and independent float are all equal and zero.