
The kinetic energies of a planet in an elliptical orbit about the Sun, at positions A, B and C are KA, KB and KC, respectively. AC is the major axis and SB is perpendicular to AC at the position of the Sun S as shown in the figure. Then


KA < KB < KC


KA > KB > KC


KB > KA > KC


KB < KA < KC

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Kepler have given three laws of planetary motion. These are-

Kepler's first law- ” All the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits having the sun at one of the foci”. The closest point of the planet to the sun is called as perihelion and the point of the planet from the sun is known as aphelion.

Kepler’s second law- ” The radius vector drawn from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time”.

Kepler’s third law-” The square of the time period of revolution of a planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit is directly proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis”.

T2 ∝ a3

where T is the time period of revolution and a is length of semi major axis.

Shorter the orbit of the planet, less is the time taken by the planet to complete one revolution around the sun.


VA , VB , VC is velocity at point A, B, C respectively.

VA , VB , VC is Kinetic energies at point A, B, C respectively.

Point A is perihelion and C is aphelion. So, VA > VB > VC

As kinetic energy is directly proportional to square of the velocity of the body.

Hence, KA > KB > KC