
Which test is carried out to know the resistance to flow of the given bituminous material?


Softening point







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Test on bitumen


Penetration test

It is used to determine the grade of bitumen and also determines the harness and softness of bitumen.

The penetration value is determined in 1/10th of mm of std needle having weight 100gm at 25℃.

Ductility test

It is performed to measure adhesiveness and elasticity of bitumen.

Ductility value is the distance in ‘cm’ to which a standard briquette of size 10mm × 10mm can be stretch before fracture at 27℃

The rate of pull for the test is 5 cm/minute.

Viscosity test

It measures the resistance to flow.

Viscosity value is the time taken by 50 ml bitumen to flow through an orifice of 10 mm at 25℃

Float test

It measures the consistency of material for which viscosity test and penetration test cannot be used.

Float value – measure of time required by water to inject through bitumen

Softening point test

It is the temperature at which bitumen attains a particular degree of consistency. It is conducted by ring and ball apparatus

The temperature rise during the test is at the uniform rate of 5 ± 0.5℃ per minute

Flash and Fire point test

Flash point is the temperature at which vapours catches fire and fire is the temperature at which bitumen gets ignited.

It is measured by Pensky Martin closed and open cup apparatus.

It is the safe limit for heating bitumen is normally 50℃ below flash point.

Standard flash point is 175℃.

Water absorption test

≤ 0.2% by weight

Loss on heating

≤ 1% for any case

≤ 2% for Higher grade of bitumen