
An area measured in a plan with the help of a planimeter was found to be 30 sq. cm. Find the true area of the field if the area of the plan drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 7m.


1562 sq.m.


210 sq.m.


860 sq.m.


1470 sq.m.

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Planimeter is used to find out area of irregular shapes. It is a mechanical integrator used for the measurement of areas of figures, plotted to a scale.

The area of the field can be calculated by planimeter in two ways

Method - 1

The area of the figures is measured in square cm and the area of the field is determined by multiplying the area of the figures by the square of the scale of the field.

Area of field (A) = Area of figure (a) × (Scale)2

Method - 2

The area of the field is obtained directly from the plot in square meters. For this, the vernier is set at a position on the tracer bar corresponding to the scale of the plot. The area of the field is directly obtained in square meters.

Area of field (A) = M(F.R. - I.R. ± 10N + C)

Where I.R. = Initial reading

F.R. = Final reading

N = No. of completed revolutions of the wheel during one complete tracing or No. of times zero of dial pass in index mark, Positive for clockwise and negative for anticlockwise.

M = Multiplying constant

C = Instrument constant, Constant marked above scale division on tracing arm (It is used only when the anchor point is placed inside the plan).



Area of plan (a) = 30 cm2

Scale, 1 cm = 7 m

Area of field (A) = Area of plan (a) × (Scale)2

Area of field (A) = 30 × 72

Area of field (A) = 30 × 49 = 1470 m2

Area of field (A) = 1470 m2

Hence option (4) is correct.