Which circuit is called the limiter circuit?
Chopper circuit
Clipper circuit
Chopping circuit
Clamp circuit
Text Solution
Chopper circuit
Clipper circuit
Chopping circuit
Clamp circuit
Clipper circuit
A clipper is a device that removes either the positive half (top half) or negative half (bottom half), or both positive and negative halves of the input AC signal.
A clipper circuit is called the limiter circuit.
The clipper circuit is of 4 types.
1.) Series positive clipper
2.) Series negative clipper
3.) Shunt-positive clipper
4.) Shunt negative clipper
Clamper circuit
A Clamper circuit is used for adding a DC shift to an AC signal.
It does not distort the shape of the signal but only shifts the amplitude of the signal.
It is also known as the DC inserter circuit.
Chopper circuit
It is a power electronics circuit that is used to convert fixed DC into pulsating DC.