________ occur between the impeller surfaces and the fluid.
Leakage losses
Disc friction losses
Mechanical losses
Recirculation losses
Leakage losses
Disc friction losses
Mechanical losses
Recirculation losses
Centrifugal pumps are accompanied by various losses during the conversion of mechanical energy into liquid energy.
Disc or Wall Frictional Losses:
The fluid between the external surface of the impeller and the internal surface of the casing rotates due to the viscous effects.
The power absorbed by liquid for rotating this portion of the fluid is called the disc friction loss.
The value of this loss depends mainly on the viscosity of the fluid, rotational speed, and diameter of the impeller.
Leakage losses:
Due to the difference between outlet pressure P2 and inlet pressure P1 of an impeller, some portion of outlet fluid returns to the inlet from the existing clearance between the impeller and the casing. This "internal leakage" Ql, causes some losses. Therefore, the flow passing through the impeller Q" is larger than the useful flow rate of the pump, i.e. Q" = Q + Ql.
Mechanical Losses:
Mechanical losses in a pump include the frictional losses in the bearing and packing losses. These losses are nearly constant for a given rotational speed.