
Which of the following is one of Gardner’s types of intelligence:








Executive skills

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Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences. According to him, intelligence is not a single entity; rather distinct types of intelligence exist. Each of these intelligence is independent of each other. Gardner also put forth that different types of intelligence interact and work together to find a solution to a problem. Gardner studied extremely talented persons, who had shown exceptional abilities in their respective areas, and described eight types of intelligence. These are as follows:

1) Linguistic (skills involved in the production and use of language):

  • It is the capacity to use the language fluently and flexibly to express one’s thinking and understand others.
  • Persons high on this intelligence are ‘word-smart’, i.e. they are sensitive to different shades of word meanings, are articulate, and can create linguistic images in their mind.
  • Poets and writers are very strong in this component of intelligence.

2) Logical-Mathematical (skills in scientific thinking and problem-solving):

  • Persons high on this type of intelligence can think logically and critically.
  • They engage in abstract reasoning and can manipulate symbols to solve mathematical problems.
  • Scientists and Nobel Prize winners are likely to be strong in this component.

3) Spatial (skills in forming visual images and patterns):

  • It refers to the abilities involved in forming, using, and transforming mental images.
  • The person high on this intelligence can easily represent the spatial world in the mind.
  • Pilots, sailors, sculptors, painters, architects, interior decorators, and surgeons are likely to have highly developed spatial intelligence.

4) Musical (sensitivity to musical rhythms and patterns):

  • It is the capacity to produce, create, and manipulate musical patterns.
  • Persons high on this intelligence are very sensitive to sounds and vibrations, and in creating new patterns of sounds.

5) Bodily-Kinaesthetic (using whole or portions of the body flexibly and creatively):

  • This consists of the use of the whole body or portions of it for display or construction of products and problem-solving.
  • Athletes, dancers, actors, sportspersons, gymnasts, and surgeons are likely to have such kind of intelligence.

6) Interpersonal (sensitivity to subtle aspects of others’ behaviours):

  • This is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others.
  • Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal intelligence.

7) Intrapersonal (awareness of one’s own feelings, motives, and desires):

  • This refers to the knowledge of one’s internal strengths and limitations and using that knowledge to effectively relate to others.
  • Persons high on this ability have finer sensibilities regarding their identity, human existence, and meaning of life.
  • Philosophers and spiritual leaders present examples of this type of intelligence.

8) Naturalistic (sensitivity to the features of the natural world):

  • This involves complete awareness of our relationship with the natural world.
  • It is useful in recognising the beauty of different species of flora and fauna, and making subtle discriminations in the natural world.
  • Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, and bird watchers possess more of naturalistic intelligence.