In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.
China - Yuan
Thailand - Baht
Lira - Turkey
Japan - Yen
Text Solution
China - Yuan
Thailand - Baht
Lira - Turkey
Japan - Yen
The logic followed here is:
Country: Currency .
Option 1) China - Yuan → Yuan is the official currency of China.
Option 2) Thailand - Baht → Baht is the official currency of Thailand.
Option 3) Lira - Turkey → Lira is the official currency of Turkey. Here, we have Currency: Country instead of Country: Currency.
Option 4) Japan - Yen → Yen is the official currency of Japan.
All the given pairs represent the country and its respective currency, except for "Lira - Turkey".
Hence, the correct answer is "Option 3".