
The bearing characteristic number depends on


Length and diameter of the bearing and the radial load


Length and diameter of the bearing, bearing load and speed of rotation


Length and diameter of the bearing, bearing load and viscosity of the lubricant


Length and diameter of the bearing, bearing load, speed of rotation and viscosity of the lubricant.

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Several dimensionless numbers are used to understand the performance of bearing. Some of them are –

S = ( Z N s P ) ( r C ) 2

where Z = Absolute viscosity of the lubricant, Ns = Revolution per sec, P = Bearing pressure, r = Radius of the shaft, c = Radial clearance of bearing and shaft, and ho = film thickness.

e = e c c e n t r i c i t y r a d i a l c l e a r a n c e = ( R r ) h o ( R r ) = 1 h o c


From the above formula, it is evident that

Bearing characteristic number depends on

Bearing Pressure is dependent on Bearing load and Bearing effective area (length and diameter of the bearing)