Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write the numerals for the following number names:
Thirteen million four hundred seven thousand and one

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:13407001

To convert the number name "Thirteen million four hundred seven thousand and one" into numerals, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the components of the number name
- The number name consists of three parts:
- "Thirteen million" (13,000,000)
- "Four hundred seven thousand" (407,000)
- "One" (1)

Step 2: Convert each part into numerals
- Thirteen million: This is represented as 13 followed by six zeros (since million means a thousand thousands). Therefore, it is written as 13,000,000.

- Four hundred seven thousand: This is represented as 407 followed by three zeros (since thousand means a thousand). Therefore, it is written as 407,000.

- One: This is simply represented as 1.

Step 3: Combine the parts
Now we need to combine all the parts together:
- Start with the million part: 13,000,000
- Add the thousand part: 13,000,000 + 407,000 = 13,407,000
- Finally, add the unit part: 13,407,000 + 1 = 13,407,001

Final Answer
The numeral for "Thirteen million four hundred seven thousand and one" is 13,407,001.

