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Write the greatest number:
3255, 53215, 97501

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the greatest number among 3255, 53215, and 97501, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the number of digits in each number.
- 3255 has 4 digits.
- 53215 has 5 digits.
- 97501 has 5 digits.

Step 2: Compare the number of digits.
Since 53215 and 97501 both have 5 digits, and 3255 has only 4 digits, we can conclude that the greatest number must be one of the two 5-digit numbers.

Step 3: Compare the leftmost digits of the 5-digit numbers.
- The leftmost digit of 53215 is 5.
- The leftmost digit of 97501 is 9.

Step 4: Determine which leftmost digit is greater.
Since 9 (from 97501) is greater than 5 (from 53215), we can conclude that 97501 is greater than 53215.

Step 5: Conclusion
Therefore, the greatest number among 3255, 53215, and 97501 is 97501.

