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Write the following rational numbers as decimal numbers.
9 1000

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To convert the rational number 91000 into a decimal number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the fraction
The fraction 91000 means that 9 is divided by 1000.

Step 2: Identify the denominator
The denominator is 1000. This tells us how many decimal places we need to move the decimal point.

Step 3: Write 9 as a decimal
To convert the whole number 9 into decimal form, we can write it as 9.000. This helps us visualize where to place the decimal point.

Step 4: Move the decimal point
Since the denominator (1000) has three zeros, we need to move the decimal point in 9.000 three places to the left.

- Starting with 9.000:
- Move one place left: 0.900
- Move a second place left: 0.090
- Move a third place left: 0.009

Step 5: Write the final answer
After moving the decimal point three places to the left, we find that 91000 as a decimal is 0.009.

Final Answer:

