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Write each of the following as decimals: 814 (ii) 218

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To convert the mixed fractions 814 and 218 into decimals, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction
For 814:
- Multiply the whole number (8) by the denominator (4):
\( 8 \times 4 = 32 \)
- Add the numerator (1) to this result:
\( 32 + 1 = 33 \)
- Write it as an improper fraction:
\( 8 \frac{1}{4} = \frac{33}{4} \)

For 218:
- Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (8):
\( 2 \times 8 = 16 \)
- Add the numerator (1) to this result:
\( 16 + 1 = 17 \)
- Write it as an improper fraction:
\( 2 \frac{1}{8} = \frac{17}{8} \)

Step 2: Divide to convert the improper fraction to a decimal
For 814:
- Divide the numerator (33) by the denominator (4):
\( 33 \div 4 \)
- 4 goes into 33 eight times (since \( 4 \times 8 = 32 \)), leaving a remainder of 1:
\( 33 - 32 = 1 \)
- Add a decimal point and a zero to the remainder (making it 10):
\( 10 \div 4 \)
- 4 goes into 10 two times (since \( 4 \times 2 = 8 \)), leaving a remainder of 2:
\( 10 - 8 = 2 \)
- Add another zero to the remainder (making it 20):
\( 20 \div 4 \)
- 4 goes into 20 five times (since \( 4 \times 5 = 20 \)), leaving a remainder of 0:
\( 20 - 20 = 0 \)
- Thus, the decimal representation of 814 is:
\( 8.25 \)

For 218:
- Divide the numerator (17) by the denominator (8):
\( 17 \div 8 \)
- 8 goes into 17 two times (since \( 8 \times 2 = 16 \)), leaving a remainder of 1:
\( 17 - 16 = 1 \)
- Add a decimal point and a zero to the remainder (making it 10):
\( 10 \div 8 \)
- 8 goes into 10 one time (since \( 8 \times 1 = 8 \)), leaving a remainder of 2:
\( 10 - 8 = 2 \)
- Add another zero to the remainder (making it 20):
\( 20 \div 8 \)
- 8 goes into 20 two times (since \( 8 \times 2 = 16 \)), leaving a remainder of 4:
\( 20 - 16 = 4 \)
- Add another zero to the remainder (making it 40):
\( 40 \div 8 \)
- 8 goes into 40 five times (since \( 8 \times 5 = 40 \)), leaving a remainder of 0:
\( 40 - 40 = 0 \)
- Thus, the decimal representation of 218 is:
\( 2.125 \)

Final Answers:
- 814 as a decimal is 8.25
- 218 as a decimal is 2.125
