Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write down the predecessor of each of the following whole numbers: 10000          (ii)   807000        (iii)   7005000

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the predecessor of a whole number, we simply subtract 1 from that number. Let's solve the given questions step by step.

Step 1: Find the predecessor of 10000
- Start with the number: 10000
- Subtract 1:
- Therefore, the predecessor of 10000 is 9999.

Step 2: Find the predecessor of 807000
- Start with the number: 807000
- Subtract 1:
- Therefore, the predecessor of 807000 is 806999.

Step 3: Find the predecessor of 7005000
- Start with the number: 7005000
- Subtract 1:
- Therefore, the predecessor of 7005000 is 7004999.

Summary of Answers:
1. Predecessor of 10000 is 9999.
2. Predecessor of 807000 is 806999.
3. Predecessor of 7005000 is 7004999.
