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Which of the rational numbers 35 and 57 is greater ? Insert three rational numbers between 35 and 57 so that all the five numbers are in ascending order of their values.

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To solve the question of which of the rational numbers 35 and 57 is greater and to insert three rational numbers between them, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Compare the two fractions

To compare 35 and 57, we can find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators 5 and 7 is 35.

Step 2: Convert the fractions to have the same denominator

1. Convert 35 to a fraction with a denominator of 35:

2. Convert 57 to a fraction with a denominator of 35:

Step 3: Compare the converted fractions

Now we can compare 2135 and 2535:
- Since 21<25, we conclude that:

Thus, 57 is greater than 35.

Step 4: Insert three rational numbers between 35 and 57

We need to find three rational numbers between 2135 and 2535. We can choose numbers that have the same denominator of 35:
- The three rational numbers can be:
- 2235
- 2335
- 2435

Step 5: List all five numbers in ascending order

Now we can list all five numbers in ascending order:
1. 35=2135
2. 2235
3. 2335
4. 2435
5. 57=2535

Final Answer
The final answer is:
- The greater number is 57.
- The three rational numbers inserted between them are 2235,2335,2435.
