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Which are the two nearest numbers to 19,596, divisible by 9?
19,596 से कौन सी दो निकटतम संख्याएँ हैं, जो 9 से विभाज्य?


19,564, 19,620


19,611, 19,575


19,509, 19,611


19,593, 19,602

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the two nearest numbers to 19,596 that are divisible by 9, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of the digits of 19,596
First, we need to find the sum of the digits of the number 19,596.


Step 2: Determine the nearest multiples of 9
Next, we need to find the nearest multiples of 9 to the sum of the digits (30). The multiples of 9 around 30 are:

- 27 (which is 9 × 3)
- 36 (which is 9 × 4)

Step 3: Find the difference from the sum of digits
Now, we need to determine how much we need to subtract from or add to 30 to reach the nearest multiples of 9.

- To get to 27:
3027=3(we need to subtract 3)
- To get to 36:
3630=6(we need to add 6)

Step 4: Calculate the nearest numbers
Now we can find the two nearest numbers to 19,596:

1. Smaller number:

2. Larger number:

The two nearest numbers to 19,596 that are divisible by 9 are 19,593 and 19,602.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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