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What is principal

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding the Concept of Principal:
- The principal is defined as the amount of money that is borrowed or invested for a certain period of time. It is the initial sum of money on which interest is calculated.

2. Identifying the Units:
- The principal amount is typically expressed in currency units, such as rupees. This is important because it helps to quantify the amount being borrowed or invested.

3. Understanding Related Terms:
- Along with the principal, two other key terms are often used in the context of simple interest:
- Rate (R): This is the percentage at which interest is calculated on the principal amount. It indicates how much interest will be charged or earned over a specific period.
- Time (T): This refers to the duration for which the money is borrowed or invested, usually measured in years.

4. Summarizing the Definition:
- In summary, the principal is the initial amount of money borrowed or invested, expressed in currency (e.g., rupees), and is used in conjunction with the rate of interest (R) and the time period (T) to calculate simple interest.
