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What is community identity ? How have Indian politics provided national identity?

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Community Identity: Community provides us the language and the cultural values through which we comprehend the world. Community identity is based on birth and belonging rather than on some form of acquired qualifications or accomplishment. Birth based identity is called ascriptive because this does not involve: concerned. These ascriptive identities are very hard to shake off because irrespective of our efforts to disown them, other may continue to identify us by those markers of belonging. any choice on the part of the individuals
Indian Policies and National Identity:
1. Policies of integration seek to assert a single national identity by attempting to eliminate the national and cultural differences from the public and political arena.
2. Adopting the dominant group's language as the only official national language and making its use mandatory in all public institutions.
3. Imposing a unified legal and judicial system based on dominant group's tradition and abolishing alternative system used by other groups.

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