Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

What fraction should be added to the sum of 534, 445 and 738 to make the result a whole number?
(b) 240
(c) 340
(d) 440

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To solve the problem of what fraction should be added to the sum of 534, 445, and 738 to make the result a whole number, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
First, we convert each mixed number into an improper fraction.

1. 534=5×4+34=20+34=234
2. 445=4×5+45=20+45=245
3. 738=7×8+38=56+38=598

Step 2: Find the Sum of the Improper Fractions
Next, we need to find the sum of these improper fractions.

To do this, we first find a common denominator. The denominators are 4, 5, and 8. The least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers is 40.

Now we convert each fraction to have a denominator of 40:

1. 234=23×104×10=23040
2. 245=24×85×8=19240
3. 598=59×58×5=29540

Now, we can add these fractions together:


Step 3: Determine the Fraction Needed to Make a Whole Number
The sum we have is 71740. To find out what fraction we need to add to this to make it a whole number, we first find the nearest whole number.

The nearest whole number greater than 71740 is 18 (since 18×40=720).

Now we need to find the difference between 720 and 717:


Step 4: Express the Difference as a Fraction
To express this difference as a fraction of 40:


Thus, the fraction that should be added to the sum of 534, 445, and 738 to make the result a whole number is:

