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Verify Rolle's theorem for f(x)=1x2 in the interval [-1,1].

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To verify Rolle's theorem for the function f(x)=1x2 in the interval (1,1), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Check Continuity
We need to check if the function f(x) is continuous on the closed interval (1,1).

- The function f(x)=1x2 is defined for all x such that 1x20. This is true for x in the interval (1,1).
- At the endpoints, we have:
- f(1)=1(1)2=11=0
- f(1)=112=11=0

Since f(x) is defined and continuous for all x in (1,1), we conclude that f(x) is continuous on (1,1).

Step 2: Check Differentiability
Next, we need to check if the function f(x) is differentiable on the open interval (1,1).

- To find the derivative, we use the chain rule:
- This derivative exists for all x in the open interval (1,1) (where 1x2 is not zero).

Thus, f(x) is differentiable on (1,1).

Step 3: Check Values at Endpoints
Now, we need to check if the values of the function at the endpoints are equal:
- We already calculated:
- f(1)=0
- f(1)=0

Since f(1)=f(1), we have satisfied the condition of Rolle's theorem.

Step 4: Find c in the Interval
According to Rolle's theorem, there exists at least one c in the open interval (1,1) such that:
Setting the derivative equal to zero:
This implies c=0 or c=0.

Since 0 is in the interval (1,1), we have found our c.

Since all conditions of Rolle's theorem are satisfied, we conclude that Rolle's theorem is verified for the function f(x)=1x2 in the interval (1,1).

