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The total number of divisors of the number N=25.34.510.76 that are of the form 4K+2,KN is equal to









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The correct Answer is:B

To find the total number of divisors of the number N=253451076 that are of the form 4k+2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understanding the Form 4k+2
A number of the form 4k+2 can be expressed as 2×(odd number). This means that any divisor of N that is of the form 4k+2 must include exactly one factor of 2 and the remaining factors must come from the odd part of N.

Step 2: Identify the Odd Part of N
The odd part of N is obtained by ignoring the factor of 25. Thus, the odd part is:

Step 3: Count the Odd Divisors
To find the number of odd divisors of Nodd, we use the formula for the number of divisors. If N=pe11pe22pekk, then the number of divisors d(N) is given by:

For Nodd=3451076:
- The exponent of 3 is 4, so e1+1=4+1=5
- The exponent of 5 is 10, so e2+1=10+1=11
- The exponent of 7 is 6, so e3+1=6+1=7

Thus, the total number of odd divisors is:

Step 4: Calculate the Total Number of Odd Divisors
Now we can compute:

Step 5: Form the Divisors of the Form 4k+2
Since we need divisors of the form 4k+2, we multiply the number of odd divisors by 1 (since we are including exactly one factor of 2):
Total divisors of the form 4k+2=385

Final Answer
The total number of divisors of N that are of the form 4k+2 is 385.
