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The total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book having 366 pages, is (a) 732      (b) 990     (c) 1098      (d) 1305

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To find the total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book with 366 pages, we can break down the problem into three parts based on the number of digits in the page numbers.

1. Count the digits for 1-digit page numbers (1 to 9):
- There are 9 pages (1 to 9).
- Each of these pages uses 1 digit.
- Total digits used = 9×1=9.

2. Count the digits for 2-digit page numbers (10 to 99):
- The range of 2-digit page numbers starts from 10 and goes up to 99.
- The total number of 2-digit pages = 9910+1=90.
- Each of these pages uses 2 digits.
- Total digits used = 90×2=180.

3. Count the digits for 3-digit page numbers (100 to 366):
- The range of 3-digit page numbers starts from 100 and goes up to 366.
- The total number of 3-digit pages = 366100+1=267.
- Each of these pages uses 3 digits.
- Total digits used = 267×3=801.

4. Add all the digits together:
- Total digits = Digits from 1-digit pages + Digits from 2-digit pages + Digits from 3-digit pages
- Total digits = 9+180+801=990.

Thus, the total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book with 366 pages is 990.

Final Answer:
(b) 990
