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The loudest insect is









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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Options: The question provides four options: cricket, grasshopper, cicada, and tinea. We need to determine which of these insects is the loudest.

2. Research Loud Insects: Among the given options, we need to consider the sound produced by each insect. Crickets and cicadas are known for their loud sounds, while grasshoppers and tinea are generally quieter.

3. Focus on Cicadas: Cicadas, particularly the African cicada, are known for their exceptionally loud calls. Research shows that cicadas can produce sounds that reach up to 107 decibels.

4. Compare Sound Levels: When comparing the sound levels, the cicada's call is significantly louder than that of crickets or grasshoppers. The loudness of cicadas can be measured at a distance of about 20 inches, which emphasizes their volume.

5. Conclusion: Based on the information gathered, the loudest insect among the options provided is the cicada.

Final Answer: The loudest insect is the cicada.

