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The expression ax2+2bx+b has same sign as that of b for every real x, then the roots of equation bx2+(bc)x+bca=0 are (A) real and equal (B) real and unequal (C) imaginary (D) none of these

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To solve the problem, we need to analyze the given expression and the quadratic equation step by step.

Step 1: Analyze the expression ax2+2bx+b

We are given that the expression ax2+2bx+b has the same sign as b for every real x. This means that:

- If b>0, then ax2+2bx+b>0 for all x.
- If b<0, then ax2+2bx+b<0 for all x.
- If b=0, the expression simplifies to 0, which is neither positive nor negative.

For the quadratic ax2+2bx+b to have the same sign for all x, the discriminant must be less than or equal to zero:


This simplifies to:


This means that b and (ba) must have opposite signs or one of them must be zero.

Step 2: Analyze the quadratic equation bx2+(bc)x+(bca)=0

Next, we need to find the roots of the quadratic equation:


To determine the nature of the roots, we calculate the discriminant D:


Step 3: Simplify the discriminant

Expanding the discriminant:


Calculating D:


This simplifies to:


Combining like terms:


Step 4: Analyze the sign of the discriminant

From our earlier analysis, we know that b(ba)0. This implies:

- If b>0, then ba0 which means ab.
- If b<0, then ba0 which means ab.

Thus, we can conclude that b is either positive or negative, and we need to check the sign of D.

Step 5: Conclusion about the roots

Since D is a quadratic expression in b and we have established that b(ba)0, we can conclude that:

- If D>0, the roots are real and unequal.
- If D=0, the roots are real and equal.
- If D<0, the roots are imaginary.

Given that D is derived from conditions that ensure b and a are related in such a way that D is always positive, we conclude that the roots of the quadratic equation are real and unequal.

Final Answer

The roots of the equation bx2+(bc)x+(bca)=0 are real and unequal (Option B).


Updated on:7/8/2024

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