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Solve the following linear inequation in R:6x54x+1<0

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the linear inequality 6x54x+1<0, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the critical points
We need to find the values of x that make the numerator and denominator equal to zero.

1. Numerator: Set 6x5=0

2. Denominator: Set 4x+1=0

Step 2: Mark the critical points on the number line
The critical points are x=14 and x=56. We will use these points to divide the number line into intervals.

Step 3: Test the intervals
The critical points divide the number line into three intervals:
1. (,14)
2. (14,56)
3. (56,)

We will test a point from each interval to determine where the inequality holds.

- Interval 1: Choose x=1
6(1)54(1)+1=654+1=113>0(not a solution)

- Interval 2: Choose x=0

- Interval 3: Choose x=1
6(1)54(1)+1=654+1=15>0(not a solution)

Step 4: Write the solution
The inequality 6x54x+1<0 holds true in the interval (14,56).

Thus, the solution set is:
