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Solve the following equations by factorization method: x25ix6=0

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To solve the quadratic equation x25ix6=0 using the factorization method, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the equation
We start with the equation:

Step 2: Split the middle term
We need to split the middle term 5ix into two terms such that their product gives us the constant term 6. We can split 5ix into 3ix and 2ix:

Step 3: Rewrite the equation
Now, we can rewrite the equation as:
Since i2=1, we can express 6 as 6i2.

Step 4: Group the terms
Next, we group the terms:

Step 5: Factor by grouping
Now, we factor out the common terms from each group:
1. From the first group, factor out x:
2. From the second group, factor out 2i:

So we have:

Step 6: Factor out the common binomial
We can factor out the common binomial (x3i):

Step 7: Set each factor to zero
Now, we set each factor to zero:
1. x3i=0 implies x=3i
2. x+2i=0 implies x=2i

Step 8: Write the final solutions
Thus, the solutions to the equation x25ix6=0 are:

