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Solve the equation sinx+cosx=1

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To solve the equation sinx+cosx=1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation
Start with the original equation:

Step 2: Multiply and divide by 2
To make use of trigonometric identities, multiply and divide the left-hand side by 2:

Step 3: Recognize the sine addition formula
Notice that 12 is equal to sinπ4 and cosπ4. Thus, we can rewrite the left-hand side using the sine addition formula:
This can be expressed as:

Step 4: Solve for x+π4
The sine function equals 1 at specific angles:
x+π4=π2+2nπfor nZ

Step 5: Isolate x
Now, isolate x:

Step 6: General solution
Thus, the general solution to the equation sinx+cosx=1 is:
x=π4+2nπfor nZ
