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Solve : (i) (x1)(x2)(x3)(x+1)(x+2)(x+3) (ii) x4+x2+1x2+4x5<0

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The correct Answer is:N(i) (,3)(2,1) (ii) (1,5)

To solve the given inequalities step by step, we will break down each part of the question.

Part (i): Solve the inequality

Step 1: Identify the domain of the function
- The function is undefined when the denominator is zero. Therefore, we need to find the values of x that make the denominator zero:
- x+1=0x=1
- x+2=0x=2
- x+3=0x=3

Thus, the function is undefined at x=1,2,3.

Hint: Check where the denominator equals zero to find points of discontinuity.

Step 2: Find the critical points
- The critical points from the numerator are:
- x1=0x=1
- x2=0x=2
- x3=0x=3

So, the critical points are x=3,2,1,1,2,3.

Hint: Identify both the zeros of the numerator and the denominator.

Step 3: Create a number line and test intervals
- The critical points divide the number line into intervals:
- (,3)
- (3,2)
- (2,1)
- (1,1)
- (1,2)
- (2,3)
- (3,)

Step 4: Test each interval
- Choose test points from each interval to determine the sign of the expression:
- For x<3 (e.g., x=4): ()()()()()()= (negative)
- For (3,2) (e.g., x=2.5): ()()()(+)()()=+ (positive)
- For (2,1) (e.g., x=1.5): ()()()(+)(+)()= (negative)
- For (1,1) (e.g., x=0): ()()()(+)(+)(+)= (negative)
- For (1,2) (e.g., x=1.5): (+)()()(+)(+)(+)=+ (positive)
- For (2,3) (e.g., x=2.5): (+)(+)()(+)(+)(+)= (negative)
- For x>3 (e.g., x=4): (+)(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)=+ (positive)

Step 5: Determine where the expression is negative
- The intervals where the expression is negative are:
- (,3)
- (2,1)
- (1,1)
- (2,3)

Step 6: Write the final solution
- The solution to the inequality is:

Part (ii): Solve the inequality

Step 1: Analyze the numerator
- The numerator x4+x2+1 is always positive because:
- x4 is non-negative for all x
- x2 is non-negative for all x
- The constant 1 is positive.

Hint: Check the behavior of the numerator to determine if it can be negative.

Step 2: Analyze the denominator
- Set the denominator equal to zero to find critical points:
Factoring gives:

Step 3: Determine the domain
- The function is undefined at x=5 and x=1. Thus, the domain is:

Step 4: Test the intervals
- The critical points divide the number line into intervals:
- (,5)
- (5,1)
- (1,)

- Choose test points:
- For x<5 (e.g., x=6): positive/negative= (negative)
- For (5,1) (e.g., x=0): positive/positive=+ (positive)
- For x>1 (e.g., x=2): positive/positive=+ (positive)

Step 5: Determine where the expression is negative
- The only interval where the expression is negative is:

Step 6: Write the final solution
- The solution to the inequality is:

Summary of Solutions
1. For Part (i):
2. For Part (ii):
