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Sketch the graph : y=sin x2

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To sketch the graph of the function y=sin(x2), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the Period of the Function
The standard sine function y=sin(x) has a period of 2π. When the argument of the sine function is modified to x2, the period changes. The new period T can be calculated using the formula:
where k is the coefficient of x in the argument. Here, k=12, so:

Step 2: Identify Key Points
The sine function oscillates between -1 and 1. The key points for one complete cycle of y=sin(x2) over the interval from 0 to 4π are:
- (0,0)
- (2π,1) (maximum point)
- (4π,0)
- (6π,1) (minimum point)
- (8π,0)

Step 3: Sketch the Graph
1. Draw the coordinate axes with x and y.
2. Mark the points identified in Step 2 on the graph.
3. Draw a smooth curve through these points, ensuring it oscillates between -1 and 1.
4. Since the sine function is periodic, you can extend the graph in both directions (negative and positive x-axis) by repeating the pattern every 4π.

Step 4: Label the Graph
- Label the x-axis with intervals of 2π (e.g., 4π,2π,0,2π,4π,6π,8π).
- Label the y-axis from -1 to 1.

Final Graph
The final graph will show a continuous wave-like pattern that oscillates between -1 and 1 with a period of 4π.

