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To solve the equation sin5x+sin3xcos5x+cos3x=tan4x, we will start by simplifying the left-hand side (LHS).

Step 1: Use the sum-to-product identities
We can use the sum-to-product identities for sine and cosine. The identities are:
- sinA+sinB=2sin(A+B2)cos(AB2)
- cosA+cosB=2cos(A+B2)cos(AB2)

Here, let A=5x and B=3x.

Step 2: Apply the identities
Applying the sine identity:

Applying the cosine identity:

Step 3: Substitute back into the LHS
Now substituting these results back into the LHS:

Step 4: Simplify the expression
The 2cos(x) cancels out (assuming cos(x)0):

Step 5: Conclusion
Thus, we have shown that:
This proves that the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side.
