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Show that cos(60A)cos(30B)sin(60A)sin(30B)=sin(A+B)

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To prove the identity cos(60A)cos(30B)sin(60A)sin(30B)=sin(A+B), we can use the cosine of the sum of angles formula.

1. Recall the Cosine of the Sum Formula:
The cosine of the sum of two angles is given by:
In our case, we can identify x=60A and y=30B.

2. Apply the Formula:
Using the cosine of the sum formula, we can rewrite the left-hand side:

3. Simplify the Argument:
Now, simplify the argument of the cosine:

4. Use the Cosine Identity:
We know that:
Therefore, we can write:

5. Conclusion:
Thus, we have:
This proves the identity.
