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Show that 17576 is a perfect cube. also, find the number whose cube is 17576.

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To show that 17576 is a perfect cube and to find the number whose cube is -17576, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of 17576
We start by performing the prime factorization of 17576.

1. Divide 17576 by 2:
2. Divide 8788 by 2:
3. Divide 4394 by 2:
4. Now, 2197 cannot be divided by 2 or 3. We check for the next prime number, which is 13:
5. Divide 169 by 13:
6. Finally, divide 13 by 13:

So, the prime factorization of 17576 is:

Step 2: Grouping the Factors
Next, we check the exponents of the prime factors:
- The exponent of 2 is 3.
- The exponent of 13 is 3.

Since both exponents are multiples of 3, we can conclude that 17576 is a perfect cube.

Step 3: Finding the Cube Root of 17576
To find the cube root of 17576, we take one factor from each group of three:

Step 4: Finding the Number Whose Cube is -17576
The cube root of -17576 will be the negative of the cube root of 17576:

Final Answer
Thus, we have shown that 17576 is a perfect cube, and the number whose cube is -17576 is -26.

