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Prove that if 2a02<15a, all roots of x5a0x4+3ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 cannot be real. It is given that a0,a,b,c,dR.

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To prove that if 2a20<15a, then all roots of the polynomial


cannot be real, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Differentiate the function
We start by differentiating f(x) to find the critical points:


Step 2: Differentiate again
Next, we differentiate f(x) to find the second derivative:


Step 3: Differentiate a third time
We differentiate f′′(x) to find the third derivative:


Step 4: Analyze the third derivative
The third derivative f′′′(x) is a quadratic function. To determine the nature of its roots, we calculate its discriminant:


Step 5: Set the condition for non-real roots
For f′′′(x) to have non-real roots, we need the discriminant D to be less than zero:


Step 6: Simplify the inequality
Dividing the entire inequality by 48 gives:


Rearranging this, we find:


Since we have shown that 2a20<15a leads to D<0, it follows that f′′′(x) has no real roots. This implies that f′′(x) is either always increasing or always decreasing, which means f(x) can have at most one real root. Consequently, since f(x) is a polynomial of degree 5, it cannot have all roots real.
