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Prove that ex1+x and hence ex+1+e2x(1+x)+2+2x+x2 x in R

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To prove that ex1+x and hence ex+1+e2x1+x+2+2x+x2 for all xR, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Prove ex1+x

1. Consider the function f(x)=ex(1+x).
2. Calculate the derivative:
3. Analyze the derivative:
- f(x)0 for x0 because ex1.
- f(x)<0 for x<0 because ex<1.
4. Evaluate f(0):
5. Conclusion:
- Since f(x)<0 for x<0, f(x) is decreasing in that interval, and since f(0)=0, it follows that f(x)0 for x<0.
- Since f(x)0 for x0, f(x) is increasing in that interval, and since f(0)=0, it follows that f(x)0 for x0.
- Therefore, f(x)0 for all xR, which implies ex1+x.

Step 2: Prove ex+1+e2x1+x+2+2x+x2

1. Start with the known inequality:
2. Square both sides of the inequality:
3. Add 1 to both sides:
4. Take the square root of both sides:
(This step is valid since both sides are non-negative.)
5. Combine the inequalities:
6. Conclusion:
- Hence, we have shown that ex+1+e2x1+x+2+2x+x2 for all xR.

Final Result:
Thus, we have proved both inequalities:
1. ex1+x
2. ex+1+e2x1+x+2+2x+x2

