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Prove that: 3(sinθcosθ)4+6(sinθ+cosθ)2+4(sin6θ+cos6θ)13=0.

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To prove the equation 3(sinθcosθ)4+6(sinθ+cosθ)2+4(sin6θ+cos6θ)13=0, we will simplify each term step by step.

Step 1: Expand (sinθcosθ)4

Using the binomial theorem:
Since sin2θ+cos2θ=1:

Step 2: Expand (sinθ+cosθ)2


Step 3: Expand sin6θ+cos6θ

Using the identity a3+b3=(a+b)(a2ab+b2):
Since sin2θ+cos2θ=1:
Using sin4θ+cos4θ=(sin2θ+cos2θ)22sin2θcos2θ=12sin2θcos2θ:

Step 4: Substitute back into the original equation

Now substituting back into the original equation:

Step 5: Simplify the expression

Expanding it:
The terms 12sinθcosθ and +12sinθcosθ cancel out, and the terms +12sin2θcos2θ and 12sin2θcos2θ also cancel out.

So we are left with:


Thus, we have proved that:
