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Prove: tan 2 A sec 2 B - sec 2 A tan 2 B = tan 2 A - tan 2 B

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To prove the identity tan2Asec2Bsec2Atan2B=tan2Atan2B, we will start by manipulating the left-hand side of the equation.

Step 1: Write down the left-hand side
We begin with the left-hand side:

Step 2: Substitute the secant identities
Using the trigonometric identity sec2θ=1+tan2θ, we can substitute for sec2B and sec2A:

Step 3: Expand the expression
Now, we will expand both terms:

Step 4: Combine like terms
Notice that tan2Atan2B appears in both terms but with opposite signs:

Step 5: Conclusion
Thus, we have shown that:
This completes the proof.
